The Power of Water

Do you know the power of water? I got involved in a conversation about water in the Post Office car park!

An elderly man was telling another guy how he had been advised to drink lots of water, and now he was so much brighter,and generally felt much better. He was still walking with a stick, but seemed so much more upbeat. He had cut out all tea and coffee. And now he felt more cheerful with fewer aches. He said he was sipping about 2 litres a day, about 4 pints.

At that point another neighbour arrived in the car park and he recounted how he had had to take his adult son to A&E and they had actually recommended that he include plenty of water in his lifestyle. So father had joined his son in this to encourage him. Physical symptoms were eased, but whereas depression is not far away normally, he too said he had felt a lift in mood. And this was quite unexpected. Better than medication!

At this point I arrived and they called across to me, did I know the power of water? I was able to say that my other half is also a 2 litre man. And he too, has ongoing health benefits from the power of water. It keeps us in working order.

Interestingly I was telling a friend of mine about this conversation, and she went ‘Ugghh! I hate drinking water.’ This is such a common reaction.

The way to deal with this to sip sparkling water,

or put a teaspoon of lemon juice in the glass.

another option is to add one drop of peppermint oil.

Eventually these ‘training’ methods are no longer needed as our body adjusts itself to the most natural fluid in the world.

Our bodies are made up of 7/8 water. We need water. Not just in hot weather but even in the middle of winter. If we consider what we drink, there are often drugs added to the water – tea, coffee, and alcohol. If not these, then we might be having fruit juices. But these refreshing drinks are so concentrated, our kidneys have to work very hard to process them. Better to eat the fruit with the fibres.

So tomorrow reach for a tall glass and keep sipping all through the day. 3 pints for a woman, and 4 pints for a man. This is a good guideline.

Very soon you might be able to join in the conversation in the car park about the power of water!